Grilles & Diffusers
Vents are the outlet of a ventilation system and amount them, grilles and diffusers are the most common types we can see. The performance of the vent will significantly affect people on how they feel about the air conditioning. You may have a great air handling unit, but a lousy vent may kill the whole project.

Grilles & Registers
Aluminum Ball Weather Louver
Stainless Steel Ball Weather Louver
Door Grille
Egg Crate Grille, Removable Hinged Grille with Filter, Vertical Blade
Egg Crate Grille, Vertical Blade
Gravity Louver
Linear Bar Grille
Linear Bar Grille with Removable Core
Return Grille 45° Deflection, Long Blades
Return Grille 45° Deflection, Short Blades
Supply Grille Double Deflection
Supply Grille Single Deflection